

A cultural and technical shift towards a DevSecOps approach helps enterprises address security threats more effectively, in real-time.

It is important to view security teams as a valuable asset that help prevent slowdowns rather than a hindrance to agility.

We adopt the latest technology and take a holistic approach for delivering quality product securely to market.

Challenges you may face

Reluctance to Integrate
Clash of the Tools
Implementing Security in CI/CD
Chasing Perfection
Rift between security and development

Our Offerings


Assess the current state of DevSecOps culture, process, and toolchain and quantify your maturity model

Visualize the desired state and create a roadmap ‌Identify traceable metrics

Analyzing and Identifying Static application security testing(SAST) tool Analyzing and Identifying Dynamic application security testing (DAST) tool Analyzing and Identifying Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) tool Analyzing and Identifying Runtime application self-protection (RASP) tool Analyzing and Identifying Software composition analysis (SCA) tool ‌Analysing and identifying container scanning tool ‌Analysing and Identifying security tools for OWASP Dependency-Check, OWASP Scan, VAPT, OS Hardening(CIS Benchmark), ‌Platform Hardening(Public or private cloud).

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Create a pilot framework to implement the standard DevSecOps setup ‌Leverage your existing tools and integrate them with a strong ecosystem of open source and licensed tools in each step of agile delivery

‌Implementing DevSecOps Pipeline

‌Implementing and integrating Static application security testing(SAST) tool

‌Implementing and integrating Dynamic application security testing (DAST) tool

‌Implementing and integrating Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) tool

‌Implementing and integrating Runtime application self-protection (RASP) tool

‌Implementing and integrating Software composition analysis (SCA) tool Implementing and integrating container scanning tool ‌Implementing and integrating security tools for OWASP Dependency-Check, OWASP Scan, VAPT, OS Hardening(CIS Benchmark), Platform Hardening(Public or private cloud) ‌Implement Automated code analysis and review"

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Managing DevSecOps pipeline

‌Maintaining and Managing DevSecOps tools

‌Ensuring the availability DevSecOps tools Planning and further implementing changes

‌Updating/upgrading DevSecOps tools

Maintain and Manage Automated code analysis tool ‌Review and Assist teams to fix identified Security issues ‌Maintaining and managing Static application security testing(SAST) tool

‌Maintaining and managing Dynamic application security testing (DAST) tool

‌Maintaining and managing Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) tool

‌Maintaining and managing Runtime application self-protection (RASP) tool

‌Maintaining and managing Software composition analysis (SCA) tool

Maintaining and managing container scanning tool

Maintaining and managing security tools for OWASP Dependency-Check, OWASP Scan, VAPT, OS Hardening(CIS Benchmark), Platform Hardening(Public or private cloud)".

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Tools We Support

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